简介:《爱在小红点》由四部短片组成,温淑安、伍洛毅与包勋评在其中的《爱诱惑》有大胆演出,由罗胜负责执导。温淑安与伍洛毅饰演结婚多年夫妻,她感觉当空少的伍洛毅忽略自己,便到外面“偷吃”,认识“小王”包勋评,从女性角度探讨婚外情。《爱》的另外三部短片导演分别是陈启全、任锦添与拉伊汉哈利姆(Raihan Ha
简介: When a recently widowed mother becomes houseless, she convinces her 8-year-old daughter that they are only camping for fun while working to get them
简介: Black holes stand at the limit of what we can know. To explore that edge of knowledge, the Event Horizon Telescope links observatories across the wo